

These are projects that are using Open Brewery DB. 🙌


hopyard (built with Flutter)

iOS and Android app built and maintained by @claytonjacobs

Open Brewery DB Flutter Package

A Flutter package for the API built and maintained by @claytonjacobs


Java API client

A Java client for the API built and maintained by @noebrito


An Android application developed using most of the bleeding edge technologies provided by Google. Built and maintaied by @readbeard


BrewBuddiesdeployed here

Social media hub for brew buddies to search breweries, leave reviews, and make new buds! Tech stack: React, Apollo GraphQL, MongoDB, JavaScript. Tools: Google Maps, Granim.js, Ant Design UI. Built and maintained by @miacias and @oconnell-coder!

Beer Me

A group project search-based React app built using the Open Brewery DB API to enable users to search breweries, and then save the ones they would like to visit later. Maintained by @jnunez1229, @blueink38, @dragoonkite, @cocobeware83, @rocketorangemen

Brewery Buddy 🍻

A React.js application built using the OpenBreweryDB API along with React Leaflet, to query a maintained database of breweries around the world and display their location on a map. Built and maintained by @jordbort and @coreyloftus


A search-based React app built using the Open Brewery DB API and the random dad jokes API. Maintained by @tashiad

GraphQL Server (NestJS)

A simple GraphQL server that uses the Open Brewery DB API. Maintained by @jhugs

Lager Than Life

A search-based React app built using the API and maintained by @gpadmaku1

Local Brew

An Angular app with “search by current location” feature that uses the browser GPS coords. Also, implemented “by_page” with home-made pagination logic (since there is no “next” dataset). Built and maintained by @peterdillon

Open Brewery React App

A React interface for the API built and maintained by @ramos07


GraphQL Server (.NET Core)

An Open Brewery DB GraphQL server implementation in .NET Core and maintained by @myty


Python API wrapper

A Python interface for the API built and maintained by @jrbourbeau

BrewFind Django App

A Django-based web application to search, add review, and view reviews for breweries. Implemented search autocomplete feature among other features such as caching api results, pagination, embeded Google Maps for breweries. @Rmariner25



A Swift interface for the API built and maintained by @augustshultz

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