
Single Brewery

Get a single brewery.{obdb-id}

List Breweries

Returns a list of breweries.


Filter breweries by city.

Note: For the parameters, you can use underscores or url encoding for spaces.


Filter breweries by country.

Note: For the parameters, you can use underscores or url encoding for spaces.


Sort the results by distance from an origin point, denoted by latitude,longitude.


Comma-separated list of brewery IDs.


Filter breweries by name.

Note: For the parameters, you can use underscores or url encoding for spaces.


Filter breweries by state.

Note: Full state name is required; no abbreviations. For the parameters, you can use underscores or url encoding for spaces.


Filter breweries by postal code.

May be filtered by basic (5 digit) postal code or more precisely filtered by postal+4 (9 digit) code.

Note: If filtering by postal+4 the search must include either a hyphen or an underscore.


Filter by type of brewery.

Must be one of:

  • micro - Most craft breweries. For example, Samual Adams is still considered a micro brewery.
  • nano - An extremely small brewery which typically only distributes locally.
  • regional - A regional location of an expanded brewery. Ex. Sierra Nevada’s Asheville, NC location.
  • brewpub - A beer-focused restaurant or restaurant/bar with a brewery on-premise.
  • large - A very large brewery. Likely not for visitors. Ex. Miller-Coors. (deprecated)
  • planning - A brewery in planning or not yet opened to the public.
  • bar - A bar. No brewery equipment on premise. (deprecated)
  • contract - A brewery that uses another brewery’s equipment.
  • proprietor - Similar to contract brewing but refers more to a brewery incubator.
  • closed - A location which has been closed.


The offset or page of breweries to return.


Number of breweries to return each call.

Note: Default per page 50. Max per page is 200.


Sort the results by one or more fields.

  • asc for ascending order
  • desc for descending order

Note: by_dist does not work with the sort filter since it is a filter of its own.

Random Brewery

Get a random brewery.


Number of breweries to return each call.

Note: Default is 1. Max per page is 50.

Search Breweries

Search for breweries based on a search term.

Note: For the query parameter, you can use underscores or url encoding for spaces.{search}


Return a list of names and ids of breweries based on a search term. This endpoint is typically used for a drop-down selection.


  • For the query parameter, you can use underscores or url encoding for spaces.
  • The maximum number of breweries returned is 15.{search}


Metadata takes the same filters as List Breweries.

Show all breweries meta data

Show South Korean breweries meta data

Show micro breweries meta data